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Die Mauer der Ideen

RebyB. the B2B Decorations material platform for shopping centers and retailers

We have an online B2B decorations material platform on which you can sell used decorations you no longer need for your shopping center and retail stores

How it works

Do you know this situation? You have ordered a new decoration and the old, used decoration is still in your ownership, what to do?

Here comes


into play. 

Or next season you have again expanded and started new locations, the production of decorations for the new branches is expensive, and actually you want something new? 

Or you have a low budget? And would also like to take recycled decoration.

Our decorations online B2B platform supports you with:

  • Buy affordable used decorations

  • Disposal

  • Transport

  • Exchange

  • Repair

  • Appreciation

  • Inventory

  • And much more

Wie funktioniert es?

How it works


sends pictures of the not needed decoration

We prepare the information and share it on our platform

We arrange and organize the transaction


choose the decoration on our website

So funktionierts


We broker your no longer needed used decorations / decorative items.

If you wish, we can also come to your place and record everything (incl. photos).



Optionally we take over the control, the preparation, the exchange and the revision of the decoration for you.

We are happy to offer installation of the decoration.

We also take over the complete processing (inventory, tour planning and disposal)



We can take over the transport (including loading and unloading) for you with our team.



We can advise you on your new concepts.

We can offer visualizations. 

We can accessorize your decorations.

We can design a new decoration theme for you.

We can store the decorations on your request

For more information: Bachmeyr.


Your Upside

Our full service helps you:

  • Saving money / saving budget

  • To save time

  • Reduce storage capacity


Save resources, work sustainably, & reuse!

About us

RebyB. was founded through an initiative of Bachmeyr GmbH. Thanks to our extensive experience in the decoration industry (since 1963) and our work with well-known national and international customers, we can perfectly implement any of your plans.

About us


Clients and partners of Bachmeyr GmbH


50 Years Bachmeyr

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